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Creating Hope In Conflict

  • Demographic, Language and National Identities
    Final project second blog post.. in this blog post I’ll be discussing or elaborating different aspects particularly demographics, language, patriotic symbolisms, national identities, and economic system. Demography: No census was taken in Somalia till middle 1975’s and no census numbers were reported. This was due to lack of infrastructure and technology, and also majority ofContinue reading “Demographic, Language and National Identities”
  • Post #1
    The overall goal of my writing is to demonstrate historical background, ancient history and the struggle with colonialism. Historical background: Somalia also known as the land of poet or punt is located in east Africa in the Horn of Africa and it neighbors with Djibouti, Ethiopia and also Kenya. The. Capital city of Somalia isContinue reading “Post #1”
  • Mentor Blog
    For the past several days I spent many hours just looking up and reading blog after blog as finding a mentor blog/s was the most difficult part of my research project. Somehow, I was lucky to come across few blogs but sadly not all of them have persuaded or attracted my attention. Ultimately, I decidedContinue reading “Mentor Blog”

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My English Blog

JM`s blog

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Chris's Blog

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Abde Barre

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Outbursts of Hot Gases

Abdiwahab Ali


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